Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Change and continuity in contemporary business Essay

Change and continuity in contemporary business - Essay Example While the individuals working for the company in different locations are likely to come from different cultures, and ethical, just and fair culture of the company itself can only be established with good HR policies and effective HR management (Hollinshead and Leat, 1995). In the simplest terms and as reported by Baldwin (2007) individuals around the world as well as those in industrialised nations are seeking justice for all concerned parties. On the other hand, the business objective for globalisation and the use of techniques such as outsourcing of production or development work is intrinsically linked to the practice of getting maximum value from human assets which are distributed across the world working under the umbrella of a single company (Ozbilgin, 2005). Historically, the differences between those who seek justice for workers and those who are used to exploiting cheaper labour across the world will sooner or later face a clash (Faulkner, D. 2002). This clash can be called a culture clash between corporate needs and the humanistic approach taken by those who support the idea of international development. The cultural differences were largely ignored and it was thought that the culture of the country where business was being done would prevail while the culture of the country where the parent company was located would not matter as much (Kamoche, 1996). However, recent evaluations have shown that culture conflicts might need to be actively countered and could even be used to motivate workers around the world rather than put them in conflict (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1998). The primary basis for this cultural clash, which is important for managers to understand, is the difference in the standard of living to which people in developed as well as developing nations may be used to (Block, 1999). Workers in Britain as well as many other western countries tend to place great value on their leisure time and have enjoyed a relatively high

Monday, October 28, 2019

Life of Pi Adversity on Identity Essay Example for Free

Life of Pi Adversity on Identity Essay Adversity can present itself according to a vast spectrum of severity and can have drastically different effects on individuals. When faced with adversity, people either learn to adapt to what has happened and make do with the circumstances, whereas other individuals will find themselves unable to cope with adversity and ultimately breakdown and lose their ability to carry on. Yann Martel explores, in his fantasy adventure novel, Life of P, a young boys reaction to the hardships of adversity. Piscine Patel, an adventurous tenacious young boy experiences the struggle of urviving at sea, and the calamity of coping with tragic events in his life. Yann Martel develops the idea that adversity can transform an individuals identity and play a significant role in ones life by shaping personal values, determining ones inner strengths and self worth. adventure novel, Life of Pi, a young boys reaction to the hardships of adversity. Piscine Patel, an adventurous tenacious young boy experiences the struggle ot other individuals will tind themselves unable to cope witn adversity and ultimately

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death and Rebirth: Examinig Death Through Poetry Essay -- essays resea

Death and Rebirth: Examining Death Through Poetry   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death is one of the only true constants in the universe and is the only guarantee in life. Everyone knows of death and everyone will experience it, but to the living death is still one of life's greatest mysteries. In some cultures death is celebrated and embraced, while in others it is feared. However it is perceived, death holds different meanings for different people. Through the art of poetry a writer can give a reader many different outlooks and maybe a better understanding of life and death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death is certain. We cannot escape it, but just because it is inevitable should we just give in to its dark embrace or should we fight against it? In the poem The Black Snake, the speaker uses vivid images to explain what happened and to express his or her feelings about the situation. In the beginning of the poem a black snake darts onto a busy road and is then hit by a truck. Later a motorist finds the dead snake and buries it in the woods. After burying the snake the motorist continues on his or her drive and reflects on what has transpired. In the first couple of lines †When the black snake flashed onto the morning road, and the truck could not swerve-death, that is how it happens.†(687), and from lines 13 to 15 â€Å"I leave him under the leaves and drive on, thinking about death: its suddenness, its terrible weight, its certain coming.†(687)...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

recycling plastic :: essays research papers

Plastics are durable, lightweight materials that were invented in 1909. They are normally made from oil and natural gas. Using plastics to replace packaging materials such as metal and glass has allowed manufacturers to make packages that are more efficient. For example to bottle eight gallons of a beverage would take only two pounds of plastic but would take three pounds of aluminum, eight pounds of steel and 27 pounds of glass. The light weight of plastic packaging helps reduce transportation costs. It takes fewer trucks to transport plastic compared to metal or other materials. Fewer trucks mean less fuel usage and therefore less air pollution from truck exhaust.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recycling plastic containers helps to conserve landfill space and natural resources and to cut down on pollution. Since the number of landfills continues to diminish, keeping plastic containers out of landfills is important. Plastics do not degrade in landfills. Therefore, containers you throw away will be taking up landfill space hundreds of years from now. Making plastic products from recycled plastic also reduces air and water pollution, and energy used for making plastics from raw materials. Recycled plastic is used to make products such as plastic lumber, toys, containers, carpet, fiber fill for jackets and flowerpots. There are over 1,500 products made with or packaged in recycled plastic. Such uses reduce natural resource consumption and pollution because fewer raw materials are required and less energy is needed to make recycled plastic products than to make plastic products entirely from raw materials. There are different kinds mixtures of resins that make thousands of types of plastics. Ink pens, car parts and plastic bags are all made from different resins. In order to recycle plastics, the different types must be kept separate. Therefore, plastic packages are coded to indicate the type of resin used to make them. The code numbers are found inside the chasing recycling arrows on the bottoms of containers. These numbers help you separate plastic containers for recycling collection or drop off. Uncoded plastics, such as plastic pipes, cannot be recycled but can be reused.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recycling is a six step process. First they must be cleaned and separated by the type of plastic and by color. The first step is the most important one in the process. Colored plastics cannot be mixed with clear plastics, and plastics with different code numbers cannot be mixed together. Mixing plastics can cause entire bales to be rejected and possibly to be sent to a landfill. They are then compacted and shipped off to the processing facility.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

No god but God

Reza Aslan’s book, ‘No god But God’, is a comprehensive telling of the story and the history of one of the major religions in the world today. Going through the 352 pages of the book, even a person who had no knowledge of Arabia’s pre-Islamic history, no familiarity with Islamic rise, and no previous comprehension of the various teachings and philosophical factors, is a great experience of exploration in the world of Islam and the Muslim way of thought. What makes this book unique is that it connects many of what is going on in the Islamic world with the latest events concerning terrorism and militant Islamic groups in different places of the world. Knowing that Aslan is a Muslim who earned different degrees in Religions and Arts in the United States gives us an idea about the amount of information that each reader can obtain. Throughout the book, the reader is being guided by an insider who is knowledgeable in what concerns all the related elements. And, from the other side, this can be another component in highlighting the fact that the book is written in a way that is easy to understand and that is completely comprehendible. CONTENTS AND THOUGHTS The author of the book begins by explaining the reasons that led him to write the book and to create such a volume about Islam. He explains that the main reason is not to go through the history and present conflicts within the religion, but to attempt to foresee its future and how it will evolve. â€Å"This book is not just a critical reexamination of the origins and evolution of Islam, nor is it merely an account of the current struggle among Muslims to define the future of this magnificent yet misunderstood faith. This book is, above all else, an argument for reform†Ã‚  Ã‚   (Prologue). The book is divided into ten distinct sections; each one goes through a certain stage of the birth and development of the religion. And in many of these chapters, many direct references and explanations are made concerning events that we see today and their origin and impact on the Muslim world of today in relation to a variety of subjects. The first section of the book ‘The clash of monotheisms’, is an introductory part in which the author states the reasons that led him to writing the book. He states that Islam is not, as some claim, a violent religion that cannot co-exist with modern values of democracy and human rights. â€Å"A few well-respected academics carried this argument further by suggesting that the failure of democracy to emerge in the Muslim world was due in large part to Muslim culture, which they claimed was intrinsically incompatible with Enlightenment values such as liberalism, pluralism, individualism, and human rights. It was therefore simply a matter of time before these two great civilizations, which have such conflicting ideologies, clashed with each other in some catastrophic way. And what better example do we need of this inevitability than September 11?† (Prologue). He claims, instead, that certain circumstances were the reason why the Muslim world is so much behind in these fields. In the first chapter of the book, ‘The sanctuary in the desert: pre-Islamic Arabia’, the reader can virtually live through the conditions and events that were taking place in Arabia before the emergence of the religion. Here we find many indications to the fact that, contrary to the reality of today, the Arabian Peninsula was populated by the followers of many religions: Jews, Christians, and others. â€Å"It is here, inside the cramped interior of the sanctuary, that the gods of pre-Islamic Arabia reside: Hubal, the Syrian god of the moon; al-Uzza, the powerful goddess the Egyptians knew as Isis and the Greeks called Aphrodite; al-Kutba, the Nabataean god of writing and divination; Jesus, the incarnate god of the Christians, and his holy mother, Mary† (Aslan 3). And in reference to the Jewish community the author states: â€Å"The Jewish presence in the Arabian Peninsula can, in theory, be traced to the Babylonian Exile a thousand years earlier, though subsequent migrations may have taken place in 70 C.E., after Rome's sacking of the Temple in Jerusalem, and again in 132 C.E., after the messianic uprising of Simon Bar Kochba. For the most part, the Jews were a thriving and highly influential diaspora whose culture and traditions had been thoroughly integrated into the social and religious milieu of pre-Islamic Arabia† (9). The following three chapters, ‘The keeper of the keys: Muhammad in Mecca’, ‘The city of the prophet: the first Muslims’, and ‘Fight in the way of God: the meaning of Jihad’, give the reader an in-depth clarification about how Islam came to life, from the beginning of the story of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, his life before recognizing the mission that he was set to accomplish and the various events that shaped the era of the beginning of the new religion and how the Muslim believers, including the prophet himself, were treated by the people of their tribe and all the conditions that led the Islamic state to be established in Medina instead of Mecca, the original city of the prophet. What is interesting in this book is that it makes, during the telling of the story, references to many things that we see today in the Muslim world. One of the examples of this is the reference made to the story of the Hijab or the Islamic clothes and head cover of Muslim women, which has became an identifying characteristic of Muslim women today. It is surprising to find out that the whole idea is not even brought by the Quran or the original Islamic teachings: â€Å"Although long seen as the most distinctive emblem of Islam, the veil is, surprisingly, not enjoined upon Muslim women anywhere in the Quran. The tradition of veiling and seclusion (known together as hijab) was introduced into Arabia long before Muhammad, primarily through Arab contacts with Syria and Iran, where the hijab was a sign of social status. After all, only a woman who need not work in the fields could afford to remain secluded and veiled†¦ the veil was neither compulsory, nor for that matter, widely adopted until generations after Muhammad’s death, when a large body of male scriptural and legal scholars began using their religious and political authority to regain the dominance they had lost in society as a result of the Prophet’s egalitarian reforms† (65-66). The next chapter, ‘The rightly guided ones: the successors to Muhammad’, goes through the events that took place after the death of the prophet, and how conflicts appeared on the succession in what concerns the position of Islamic leader of Caliph, or successor. The sixth chapter, ‘This religion is a science: the development of Islamic theology and law’, is the one that contains most of the information about the teachings, the myths, the different philosophical views, and the various rituals that make up the religion. Here, the reader will have an idea about the different schools of thought. The following chapter, ‘In the footsteps of martyrs: from Shi’ism to Khomeinism’, presents the story of how the Shi’ite Muslim sect appeared as a result of the killing of Ali, the fourth Caliph after Muhammad and the political and religious consequences of this appearance that we can see in our world today. It relates the new factors of faith that were introduced into Islam by the Shi’ite sect and how those factors were always being used according to desires and wishes of the leaders, such as Kommeini in what concerns modern Iran. Next, the chapter ‘Stain your prayer rug with wine: the Sufi way’ is a description of another sect of Islam, which is Sufism. It goes through many of the different concepts that Sufis use and believe in which are completely different than those of mainstream Islam and Shi’ite Islam. The ninth chapter, ‘An awakening in the east: the response to colonialism’, talks about the effects of European colonialism on Muslim countries and the way that it was faced: â€Å"the nationalists sought to battle European colonialism through a secular countermovement that would replace the Salafiyyah's aspiration of religious unity with the more pragmatic goal of racial unity: in other words, Pan-Arabism† (Aslan 233) The final chapter, ‘Slouching toward Medina: the Islamic reformation’, discusses the establishment of the Muslim states after the end of colonialism. An interesting idea that the author presents in this chapter is the comparison between the reforms that took place within the Christian history which led Christian societies to move towards democracy, human rights, and pluralism and the conditions that are being shaped today within Islamic societies. And he states that Islamic societies may need to go through violent and extremely shaky conditions before reaching the final desired destination that others in the Western world reached. According to the author, there is an ongoing struggle taking place in the Muslim world between the forces of traditional religious beliefs and those that want to move their societies into the modern foundations of democracy and human right. He states that â€Å"in the developing capitals of the Muslim world – Tehran, Cairo, Damascus, and Jakarta – and in the cosmopolitan capitals of Europe and the United States – New York, London, Paris, and Berlin – where that message is being redefined by scores of first and second generation Muslim immigrants. By merging the Islamic values of their ancestors with the democratic ideals of their new homes, these Muslims have formed†¦ a ‘mobilizing force’ for a Muslim reformation that, after centuries of stony sleep, has finally awoken and is now slouching toward Medina to be born† (Aslan 254). In many parts of the book, there is a mentioning of terrorism and the reasons that led to its creation. Ben Laden is mentioned several times, even though the concepts that the author wants to express are not presented in the level that a reader expects. Aslan states that Ben Laden’s concept of Islam is wrong and that it is not the conception of the majority of Muslims: â€Å"Muslims may share bin Laden's grievances against the Western powers, [but] they do not share his interpretation of Jihad† (87). CONCLUSION The book is a rich source of information about the history of Islam and the about the Muslim societies of today. It gives the reader a full, even though not detailed, description of everything that led the reality of those societies into what is being seen today. The writer tried to show the true face of Islam and to explain to everyone that what extremists stand for today is something that has nothing to do with religion, and that they have their own version and interpretation of the Quran. The author, to a certain extent, succeeded in clearing many points about the religion and to underline the idea that Islam is originally a peaceful religion. The book was certainly worth writing and publishing especially in this time when everyone should know more about the other in order to avoid and prevent further confrontation. Works Cited Aslan, Reza. No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam. New York: Random   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   House, 2005.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Palliative Care Nursing Practice - case study

Palliative Care Nursing Practice - case study IntroductionThis assignment is aimed at demonstrating how the author understands the concepts of holistic therapeutic practice in palliative care and how the principles of palliative care are applied in the clinical setting. The author will demonstrate this in the format of a case study. There will be an introduction to palliative care with definitions of therapeutic and holistic care and some discussion around how the principles of palliative care are applied in the clinical setting. The author will then introduce the client chosen for the case study and identify an aspect of their care that is going to be explored and explain the reasoning behind this. Finally there will be an overall conclusion with recommendations made for future practice based on the authors' critique.Definitions of palliative careThe World Health Organisation (2002) stated that the goal of palliative care is to control patient's pain and other symptoms associated with the whole person, being their body, soul an d mind, whilst enabling patient's and their families to maintain a quality of life.English: Dunbar Hospital, Thurso Community Hospita...However there are many definitions from various authors about the principles and philosophy of palliative care but they all relate to the same basis and that is that the philosophy and principles of palliative care is to look after the patient as a whole and not just treat the illness with the main focus being that the patient has the best quality of life possible and is allowed to die with dignity (Kemp, 1995). Faull, Carter and Daniels (2005) and Watson, Lucas, Hoy and Back (2005) define that palliative care is not a substitute for other care but a means to compliment it, therefore ensuring the patient and family gets the optimum care and the best quality of life possible, whilst encompassing the whole person, spiritually and psychologically.Potter and...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Brand Audit Proposal Essays

Brand Audit Proposal Essays Brand Audit Proposal Paper Brand Audit Proposal Paper The objective of Davits Tea brand audit is to evaluate and relate the theoretical approaches with practical market research and mainly to come to know about the inventory and exploratory expects of the brand. The behavioral and psychological nature of the brand equity will be analyzed and the current position of the brand in industry will be examined. We would like to study and research the brand effectiveness, strategy, positioning, customers perception, and further testify the brand in a multidimensional perspective. Marketing and Business Environment Davits Tea is the first Canadian-based tea company, established by David Seal, a young passionate entrepreneur gaggers to bring the happiness taste of life to people through the consumption of tea. Davits primary functional vision is to provide consumers with a high quality tea developed by its own tea expertise. The company builds its very own brand equity and engagement with customers by delivering a sense of belonging and connecting people who are willing to share their tea experiences together in the brand community. Its first store was successfully launched in 2008 on Queen Street, a metropolitan area in Toronto, Ontario. Traditionally, existing tea consumers re limited to experience a small and narrowed market where not many selection of tea was offered. However, Davits Tea has taken the leading stance in the industry by breaking the traditional concept of tea, informing tea alone possesses an indefinite potential to be developed and grown. In Davits Tea store, customers are offered with over 1 50 types of flavored tea from all over the world. It also differentiates itself from other tea brands such as Tavern from Cataracts and Tim Horrors by providing variety of seasonal tea collections and the Tea of Month, which can be easily made at home, office, and anywhere you want. Unlike Cataracts where tea and coffee sold are consumed on the spot, Davits Tea uniquely sells every supplies needed for tea and also shows how easy and fun it is to make tea with people at your own place. By doing so, people have a chance to be more exposed and dissolved into the tea culture with various people in their daily life. However, back in 2008, investing in the tea industry was considered as a risky move for many beverage companies. According to Statistics of Canada, both tea and coffee industry where most weight is heavily put on represents 1. % of the value of sales of food and beverage goods manufactured. The consumption of tea both in Canada and internationally was lower by far relative to the coffee consumption. Coffee alone generated the revenue more than $1 billion per year whereas tea served just above than 500 million in 2007. The gap between tea and coffee industry seemed to be significant and definite at that time. However, currently in Canada, intensive competition has been rising among beverage brands and retail stores as the consumers preferences and tastes had shifted toward products that enable healthy lifestyle. Tea is a profitable commodity. Store footprints are usually small, while mark-ups and profit margins are high, ranging from 50% to 70%. More businesses attempt to enter the industry to expand the business scale. For example, Tavern, a tea specialty acquired by Cataracts aggressively positioned its products in response to the competition. Stores across America feature Opera Chaw Tea which is personally blended and developed by Opera Winfred, a world renowned and influential TV show host, writer and publisher, to capture more potential customers in beverage industry. In addition, Tavern plans to expand its tea buss news around the world by launching more tea stores every year. Current challenges and untapped opportunities for brand equity Current Challenges Davits Tea has achieved many successful milestones and developed its own competitive advantages over other competing companies. However, there are still some weaknesses and challenges that Davits Tea is facing at the moment. Although there are various challenges for Davits Tea, the biggest four challenges for Davits Tea are 1) its unique but limited operational system 2) heavy training expense due to a high turnover rate 3) difficulty in upturning customers in some countries with a strong coffee preference culture and 4) its limited marketing strategy. Firstly, Davits Tea is famous for owning its unique operation system. The management team of Davits Tea itself operates all the stores in Canada and SACS; there are no franchise opportunity unlike Cataracts, Tim Horrors and Chaw Time. This system may be advantageous for them because the company is able to control every elements starting from location selection to recruitment process, however, this is one of the biggest challenges the Davits Tea is facing. This operational system is time-consuming and it engages resources inefficiently. There would be some limitations to the numbers of shops to open and earning investments from outer company if Davits Tea continues to hold back the franchise opportunities. Consequently, this will decrease the brand awareness and customers accessibility of Davits tea. Secondly, Davits Tea is suffering from the huge employee training expenses due to a high staffs turnover rate. Many workers quit the job due to high expectation from the company compared to their low compensation system and low promotion opportunities. Even though the Davits Tea has high petition for friendly and kind customer service, their employees experiences would create the negative impression upon brands image through word of mouth or posting negative reviews on online if those employees complaints do not resolved. It took 2 times more expenses to train employees to be tea expert compare with training programs from their competitors, but once the employees decide to leave the position, the value resources will be mostly wasted. Third, some countries have strong coffee culture; Most of the North American and European countries like America, Canada, Brazil, Italy, Norway had been influenced by coffee for hundreds of years. The Davits Tea is only serving hundreds of various teas on their menu if so the Davits Tea will miss out a large amount of customers or markets who prefer coffee more than tea. Even though the interest on tea is increasing, the countries culture is hard to change just because of the world trend has changed. Lastly, the Davits Tea marketing is too heavily relied on social media. According to research, Davits Tea is spending a lot of money and time on social media marketing such as replying to every single customers tweet or hiring more staffs in social media marketing department. However, if they continue to approach customers only with social media marketing then their target customers would be very limited to youth people and they would be hard to raise their brand awareness. They should consider other marketing tools to raise brand awareness not solely with social media. Opportunities for Brand Equity Regarding challenges the Davits Tea is currently facing, there are some opportunities the Davits Tea could increase their brand equity and reinforce the challenges they are facing. First, they can create some products to be sold at wholesale markets such as Metro, Lowbrows, Cost and etc. Brand trials and experiences are important in order to raise the brand equity. In order to do so, Davits tea could produce some products designed for wholesale sale, enabling to increase customers accessibility, trial and raise its brand awareness. If the customers have enjoyed the purchased products from the wholesale market than there are high possibilities this would lead to brand preference and visit of retail store nearby. Secondly, there are a lot of markets left for Davits Tea, especially, Global markets such as Asia or Europe. Under strong preference of coffee in European countries, there are increasing interests on decaffeinated products such as tea due to health concerns. Davits Tea could open online orders for other countries as well in order to approach new customers who are willing to buy Davits Tea products in other countries. Furthermore, Davits Tea can be more active on promoting its brand by advertising or using other various marketing methods. As it has been discussed above, marketing of Davits Tea is heavily relied on social media. However, in order to reach various customers and to raise its brand awareness, it should give a shot on other marketing strategies. For example, it could hang up the poster on the ETC wall just like Tim Horrors to allow more potential customers to recognize. Also, it can use Youth videos to introduce an easier way to make a tea at home, or release more an articles regarding the tea industry and their company on magazines/ newspaper. SOOT Analysis Drivers of current brand equity Davits Tea has strong brand equity, created with its uniqueness, favorable and strong factors of the brand. Subconsciously, customer, company and competitors could create brand equity. Positioning and identifying is a first step to build brand equity. Davits tea was first opened in 2008. Currently, they have opened about 120 stores in North America, and be;en the years of 2012 to 2014, they have opened about 40 more stores. The increasing number of stores builds the awareness of Davits Tea by providing easily accessing availability to the consumers. Davits Tea is focusing on sales of specializing in tea and tea related products. Since tea is recognized for healthy beverage that involves relaxation feelings, which is the opposite of coffee or energy drinks, the consumption of tea is growing in a fast rate and about 84% of the population consumes tea every year. Tea is the 2nd most consumed beverage in the world, and the annual sales of tea is estimated to $423 million from annual grocery sales, and $760 million from annual food service sales. Since the consumers purchasing of tea is increasing, their interest towards Davits Tea have also increased. By positioning and identifying its brand, Davits Tea became one of the most recognized teashop in Canada. Furthermore, there are various articles about the massive expansion and innovative corporate structure of Davits tea. This became an unofficial advertisement, and built credibility by distancing itself from rival rand. One of the unofficial advertising examples is that, Melanie Barbaric, the Events Community Relations manager of Davits tea, gave a Davits tea package with hand written note to Opera Winfred. With no expectation at all, this also has brought an amazing effect of advertising in Davits tea. Opera have posted the picture on her Mainstream, where she has more than 1. 3 million followers, and 32,377 people have liked her photo. Nevertheless, she mentioned about how she favors Davits tea on O Magazine. One small gift to a famous person has raised the huge awareness of Davits tea, and since Opera is a celebrity with enormous credibility image, Davits tea also gained the reputation of credibility. Davits tea frequently releases new flavors with over 1 50 variety kinds of selections from all around the world. They have their own style and design, and special collections for holidays and other special occasions (e. G. Christmas Collections, Summer and Winter teas, and Cold fighting teas). Since Davits tea are reputed for its innovative design, the collections gives imagery of perfect gift for people and individuals themselves. Moreover, the unique names of different kinds (e. G. The Skinny, Happy Kampuchea and Read My Lips) gave various positive feelings to people and established brand equity. Potential Drivers of Future Brand Equity Davits tea has created its brand equity by informing customers about their position and brand identity, and gave credibility with positive feelings about its brand. However, they need new and innovative strategies to harden its brand equity. Recently, Agriculture Canada Food Trends Study predicted that in year 2020, the tea consumption would increase to 40%. Louise Robbery, the president of Tea Association of Canada mentioned that one of the factor f the raise of consumption is due to the retiring of baby boomers, who are concerned about their health, and will likely be drinking more tea at home. Therefore, One of the strategies that Davits tea should use is to increase the number of stores, which will give location benefit to consumers. Moreover, Davits tea should use advertising marking to raise its reputation. TO Create a TV commercial, they need to hire an advertising company or a celebrity. Hiring a recognizable celebrity costs about $kick-$300 and making advertising costs more additional. Since Davits tea is still a small brand with mall budget, they should make a campaign video to promote. One of the examples is the smooth Valentines Day video of Wilkinson Sword Shaver Company. This theme of the video is that a man should shave on valentine day, because it is not a day to irritate a lady. It cost small budget to make a video, but have raised more than 1,700,000 views on Youth. A campaign video that shows how healthy it is to drink a tea or the free trade of Davits tea could be an effective and meaningful future driver to building its brand equity. Today, due to cheap and easy access of smart phones, the number of smartened users has reached about 1. 5 billion users. Play store is the smart phone application store of Samsung. In the Play store, the application for Cataracts reached 5 million downloaded, while the application for Tavern reached 50 thousand downloaded. Cataracts smart phone application personalizes by each customers, and has an everyday promotion that if a frequent purchasing customer buys 12 cups of coffee, they get free drink. Howard Schultz, the CEO of Cataracts said that there are more than 7 million mobile transaction is in the stores each week. Since more number of people use different smart phones from other companies, creating a rationalized smart phone application could also help building its awareness and efficiency. Lastly, customers are sensitive about personalization. The brand that could satisfy this factor could create loyal customer, who loves the brand and uses the brand as identifier of themselves. Coca Cola had Share a coke campaign that grew sales for the first time in 10 years. This campaign was writing 250 most popular names on each bottle of coke, and this campaign created the personalized feelings to the consumers with their names on the bottle. Benchmarking this idea, creating tea names with popular names could create a belonging feeling to consumers by personalizing. Data collection methods Data Collection and marketing research is one of the most crucial processes that links the customers and end users to the marketer through information which used to identify and define marketing opportunity while generating, evaluating and refining marketing performances as a brand. The goal of the research and data collection is to identify and assess how changing elements of marketing mix and brand equity impact customer behavior and perception, thus, it is very important to learn and audit a brand from customers perspectives and responses. We plan to conduct a mixed- methodology approach in both qualitative and quantitative research to collect data on the brand audit to make sure both subjective and objective opinions are valued in the data collecting process. Qualitative Research Qualitative Research is an in-depth exploration of what people think, feel, or do, and most importantly, the reason behind the purchasing action. We believe its very helpful to understand the brand performance when customers could have opportunity to talk about their unique experiences with the brand and therefore we propose 2 methods: focus group and depth interview. . Focus groups In focus groups, we will be the moderator uses a scripted series of questions and topics to lead a discussion among a group of people. The advantage of using a focus group is that we could get more subjective response other than a yes or no answer and it will be beneficial for us to further integrate customers responses into analysis. We would like to take a neutr al stance and subjectively ask questions such as please describe your experience when shopping at Davits Tea or How do you feel about the brand? To give people more freedom to discuss both positive and negative opinion towards the brand. In order to get a more relevant and balanced result, we would like to conduct at least 3 groups of people (with around 5-7 people in each group) from age 15-60 and we expect the targeted participants would have various demographic backgrounds: gender, occupation, spending habits, disposable income, Tea/coffee drinking routine, etc. 2. Depth Interviews Depth Interview is another method we would like to use by interviewing people with unstructured and open-ended questions. We would like to conduct an interview in a more intimate environment or via telephone since it allows participants to talk more openly and be more comfortable to give arsenal opinions. The results might not be 100% statistically re opinion may not represent a large enough segment Of the POLL Nevertheless, focus groups and interviews yield valuable insight customer attitudes. Quantitative Research Since the qualitative research might not provide absolute stasis findings, we therefore decided to conduct quantitative research analysis to determine the result. We plan to use a structured quo with mostly closed questions that allow respondents to select it from given list of possible responses. We would distribute sues both online survey resources and printed version to fill out. We excel to report the findings with statistics, tables, and graphs. 1. We would like to use snowball sampling strategy by asking rest participants to pass along a survey link to relevant others, or visa locations where the target market is likely to congregate. We WAC pass the survey through social network like Faceable to ask fan and people online to fill out the question. We will use accessible free online survey programs like surveyings. Com, Zimmerman, Monkey. Also, in order to gather more responses, we plan to go around campus or library/coffee shop to ask people take 2 mini out while waiting for elevator, etc. Please see possible survey IQ Appendix 1. 2. Quantitative Observation Individual responses to surveys and focus groups are sometime from peoples actual behavior, and therefore, we plan to use q observation method to observe some customers purchasing be stores, at work, or other reachable locations. We would like to o customers behavior in Davits Tea and their competitors (suit by examining how customer making the order at different store Davits Tea has very different and unique way to make the order have a traditional menu displayed any where in store, instead, t tea boxes placed on the wall with special names for customers I fore making the purchasing decision. We will observe and cool customers knowledge about the brand and further integrate to Other possible tools to manage data Since The Rotten School of Management maintains a site license: and students to use the Qualities Research Suite, we would like advantage of this system and use it to apply on some of data c methods.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Dinner With Friends Analysis essays

Dinner With Friends Analysis essays As a wonderfully enjoyable play, Dinner With Friends delivers to audiences a very prevalent situation in relationships during this decade; The situation being, divorce. Set in a area of New England, Dinner With Friends shows a difficult period in two fourty year-old married couples, and long time friends lives. The characters ethnic background is not brought into subject during the play, however, I assumed they were white of European decent. However, the roles could be performed by any race of actors. This scene contains one of the married couples, Tom and Beth. Tom is a lawyer and a fairly to the point individual. He speaks what he feels and holds no emotions back. Beth, Toms wife, is a very free soul. Beth has no set job. Her focus in life is set primarily on her art and her family. The scene in which I am analyzing takes place at the end of act one, scene two. In this episode we have the character Tom, played by myself, confronting my wife Beth, played by Krista Musser, about a situation that took place earlier in the evening. Beth, along with her children, had dinner with the couples best friends, Gabe and Karen. At the conclusion of dinner Beth informed both Gabe and Karen that her husband has cheated on her with another woman. In fact, the reason Tom is not able to attend the dinner, according to Beth, is because Tom has a plane flight that night and is to meet up with his stewardess affairess Nancy. Tom arrives to his and Beths house late that night; The kids are already asleep and Beth is ready for bed as well. Tom, coming in with heavy clothes, due to the snow falling down outside, enters the couples bedroom. After coming in Tom receives a cold welcome from Beth along with a confrontation on how he should not come and go as he pleases in the house once the two are officially divorced. Tom, however, is very interested about the dinner with Gabe and Karen and ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

PHIL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PHIL - Essay Example The contentious documentary entitled â€Å"The Bridge† featured the well-known Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. According to The Bridge, â€Å"the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and the unfortunate souls drawn by its siren call† (Morrow, 2006). This controversial documentary documented how 24 people in year 2004 chose to commit suicide and die at the Golden Gate Bridge (Morrow, 2006). According to Fimrite (1998), a staff writer of the Chronicle, the Golden Bridge is the â€Å"No. 1 suicide landmark in the world.† Another famous bridge is the Coronado Bridge in San Diego, considered to be a suicide magnet too (Dotinga, 2009). Dotinga (2009) stated that Coronado Bridge is â€Å"one of the highest suicide tolls of any bridge in North America, almost certainly placing it in the top five.† Sunshine Skyway of St. Petersburg was also identified as the â€Å"nations fourth-most-frequent suicide brid ge† (Morales, 2011). Bridges are therefore considered to be sure, swift, clean and accessible method of committing suicide. The alarming cases of suicides committed in Golden Gate Bridge, Sunshine Skyway and Coronado Bridge are the proofs that commission of suicide in bridges is already common especially among the youth. In order for this situation and fact to be addressed, the engineers who build and design bridges should therefore take good consideration of the fact sheet of the country. Before they design and build bridges they should know the possible effects of their decisions. In cases like the Golden Gate Bridge, Coronado and Sunshine Skyway, what engineers could possibly do is to put barriers and or any devices that would surely prevent people commit suicide. It can be said that suicide is way out of the hands of the designers or engineers who build the bridges, but in the end, they can be considered partly responsible of the effects of the bridges they built. If the

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Management Decision Making Assignment

International Management Decision Making - Assignment Example The market in which Tesco operates is a very competitive market. The retail grocery market in UK is home to hundreds of firms but the competition revolves around 4 major players in the market. These include Tesco, Asda, Sainsburry’s and Morrison’s. The overall firm concentration of these four firms is 76%. Thus, the nature of the market in which Tesco operates is an oligopoly. In an oligopoly market, a few larger firms dominate the market and the industry. The UK retail and super market has become increasingly concentrated in the last couple of year. With very few players in the industry, the market share of each of these players continues to rise. This is an oligopoly market and under the oligopoly theory these are the following basic characteristics that govern the market ; the competition is non-price based; there is intensive branding and brand loyalty; prices don’t fluctuate; the competitors are extremely interdependent on each other; the barriers to entry are strict; there is economies of scale ; a lot of focus on advertisements; every move by competitors is followed and looked at and the potential for a collusion. All these aforementioned characteristics prevail in the market in which Tesco operates. There the competition is not just about the product that is sold in the stores, but the overall experience that these super markets offer to their customer. Tesco’s market share as of December 2009 was 30.5%. In the last couple of year its market share has risen above 25%. The company lay it’s foundations on the basis of this idea : â€Å"Pile it high and sell it cheap†. Tesco started off from small service stores initially and then went on to expand its operations nationally and globally. In 1956, Tesco opened its first self service supermarket. During the 1960s, Tesco continued to expand and acquired various store chains. Tesco’s primary aim was to

Michael Ray Charles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Michael Ray Charles - Essay Example Michael Ray Charles paintings included characters African American characters like mammies, coons, and even sambos. This type of painting precipitated from the infusion of irony and wit on racism issues. His paintings showed old fashioned themes. His popularity as a realism painter resulted to the solo display of his paintings in exhibitions in Art Museum of the University of Houston in Texas, Moody Gallery in Houston, Tony Shafrazi Gallery in New York and even far way Galerie Hans Mayer in Dusseldorf, Germany(Heller and Pettit,205). Further, he presented real-life situations in a subtle way as an artist. The appendix shows that Michael Ray Charles is currently the Studio Art Professor, MFA handling Drawing Painting Subject in the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. His paintings display racism as a reality. He paints pictures in a comedic way. He is popularly known for his use of African Americans to humiliate situations and postures of his time. Mammy, as shown in the appendix, symbolizes an African American woman taking soothing care of a white child(Wallace -Sanders, 143). Furthermore, he was unafraid of the consequences of his convictions. Some sectors believe that Michael Ray Charles’s paintings should be censored from elementary students due to the strong race themes. A person viewing his paintings ought to have the intellectual capacity and maturity to comprehend what is the story behind each of his paintings. Some sectors of American society object to the exhibition of Michael Ray Charles’ paintings because it demeans them especially when the topic of the classroom teacher is racism. Eisner and Day saw many fistfights inside a racially mixed classroom between the 1960s and 1970s when teachers would show films to youngsters of lynching in the South.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Memphis Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memphis Design - Assignment Example Memphis emerged in the winter of 1980 as a consequence of a joint approach by Scottsass, Mendini, Alchymia and Branzi. The development of the Memphis design began between 1977 and 1978. The lamps and the Memphis furniture were the first designs to be established though they were considered inconsistent. Memphis had to improve on the original products, and certain innovative measures had to be established. The innovation of graphics was one of the improvements that were affected by Memphis. Technical drawings, lamp manufacturer development of ceramics, manufacture of fabrics and invention of new plastic covers (Radice 35-37). Memphis reflected on the period it emerged based on the individual designs, materials and the need to develop new approaches. Most of the products and materials at the time did not have a reflection of the period and a change was required to enhance the development of new designs. Memphis has a number of products that are unique and exhibit a number of unique features. The furniture is one of the most favorite products that Memphis produces. The furniture is a favorite because they are manufactured using unique designs that make them stand out from the rest of the materials (Radice 141-145). Consequently, the colors used in chairs give a unique impression to the products. Another favorite product is the lamp that is manufactured in different designs. Unique materials such as metal bars manufacture the design of the lamps. There are different colors used for the lamps that provide a classic illumination to the surrounding space. The bookcase is also a favorite product because it is designed and painted with unique colors that illuminate the different sections effectively providing a classic and a unique outlook to the product. Memphis was successful to a greater extent in its initiatives and products. Memphis through its designs and materials developed a new approach that would

Reasons for the Growth of MNEs from Emerging Economies from a Essay

Reasons for the Growth of MNEs from Emerging Economies from a Theoretical Perspective - Essay Example The author of the essay "Growth of MNEs from emerging economies from a theoretical perspective" explains, MNEs are Multinational Enterprises which operate in many nations as part of their internationalizations strategy. Barlett, Ghoshal and Beamish (2008) provide a similar definition to MNEs, by stating MNEs are â€Å"organizations that have substantial direct investment in foreign countries and actively manage those operations and regard those operations as integral parts of the company both strategically and organizationally.† However, the same type of organization are also referred by other term as well like international firms, multinational companies, transnational or 'global', to supranational, etc in common day usage, in business circles and in various articles and books. This being the case, the term MNEs are used in particular contexts. That is, as pointed out earlier, the organizations that operate in many countries are not simply a MNC or MNE in just the legal sense . Instead, they are â€Å"an aggregate group or network of corporate and non-corporate entities, established under the domestic laws of different nations and thereby endowed with different nationalities†. In that context, the term enterprise or MNE appears to be the most suited for covering all the many and varied forms of corporate and operational interrelationships. (Zurawicki 1979). Thus, due to their extensive operations, they are being influenced by various factors from their origination to every day functioning. This is particularly visible when the MNEs are divided into MNEs from developed countries and MNEs from emerging or developing countries or economies. That is, it is a well known fact that economic advantages, military strength, technological capabilities, even geographical strength and other aspects differentiate and categorize countries of the world as developed, developing and poor countries. This categorization is also visible among the business circles, wit h the organizations categorized into MNEs from Developed countries (DMNEs for short) and MNEs from Emerging countries (EMNEs for short). According to Rugman (2009), â€Å"currently the world's 500 largest MNEs dominate world trade and investment, and in terms of FDI the world's largest firms account for 90 percent of the world total.†. As these MNEs operate in many countries by having subsidiaries, joint ventures, etc., they are making positive impacts all over the world. That is, many MNEs from emerging and least developed countries are also working as part of this large MNE system. â€Å"It is through the activities of this set of very large MNEs that less developed countries are being integrated into the world's economic system.† (Rugman 2009). But, at the same time, when the positions of these DMNEs and EMNEs are compared, it appears that EMNEs are positioned well below DMNEs. That is, although EMNEs from many countries including China, India, Brazil, etc, etc. hav e increased in numbers in the recent decades due to various accentuating factors, they constitute only minority among the largest firms of the world. â€Å"Although their numbers have increased, developing-country firms account for only between 5 and 8.4% of the largest public firms. Moreover, they tend to be present at the lower end of the ranking† (Cuervo-Cazurra and Genc 2008). Even then EMNEs are coming up with optimal strategies to strongly compete with the DMNEs, and in many cases are even overtaking the DMNEs. This paper focusing of these EMNEs will first discuss how certain historic, geographic, cultural and institutional factors acted and are still acting as the disadvantages for the EMNEs, and then will discuss how notwithstanding these disadvantages, the EMNEs are able to compete with established DMNEs through effective strategies. One of the main disadvantages which have been faced by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Memphis Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Memphis Design - Assignment Example Memphis emerged in the winter of 1980 as a consequence of a joint approach by Scottsass, Mendini, Alchymia and Branzi. The development of the Memphis design began between 1977 and 1978. The lamps and the Memphis furniture were the first designs to be established though they were considered inconsistent. Memphis had to improve on the original products, and certain innovative measures had to be established. The innovation of graphics was one of the improvements that were affected by Memphis. Technical drawings, lamp manufacturer development of ceramics, manufacture of fabrics and invention of new plastic covers (Radice 35-37). Memphis reflected on the period it emerged based on the individual designs, materials and the need to develop new approaches. Most of the products and materials at the time did not have a reflection of the period and a change was required to enhance the development of new designs. Memphis has a number of products that are unique and exhibit a number of unique features. The furniture is one of the most favorite products that Memphis produces. The furniture is a favorite because they are manufactured using unique designs that make them stand out from the rest of the materials (Radice 141-145). Consequently, the colors used in chairs give a unique impression to the products. Another favorite product is the lamp that is manufactured in different designs. Unique materials such as metal bars manufacture the design of the lamps. There are different colors used for the lamps that provide a classic illumination to the surrounding space. The bookcase is also a favorite product because it is designed and painted with unique colors that illuminate the different sections effectively providing a classic and a unique outlook to the product. Memphis was successful to a greater extent in its initiatives and products. Memphis through its designs and materials developed a new approach that would

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why Has the UN Security Council Been So Unsuccessful in Its Attempts Essay

Why Has the UN Security Council Been So Unsuccessful in Its Attempts at Managing World Order - Essay Example To achieve the United Nation’s objective, significant effort has been evident. Nevertheless, in most cases, the results have fallen far short from the goals. In order to meet its goals, the UN has regularly held global conferences to address the security issues. Several factors have contributed to the UNSC’s unsuccessful management global order. One of the factors is the lack of transparency of the council. There have been conflicts regarding the restructuring of the council (Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly, 2005). The members cannot agree on whether to expand the council or let it remain the same. Additionally, lack of democracy in the council has made some states to have a negative attitude towards it. Some of these states do not trust it, and this makes it difficult for it to maintain peace among the conflicting states. The UNSC cannot settle the dispute among the sates that fail to trust it because they will not give it permission to do it. Lack of impleme ntation of resolutions According to Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly (2005), in recent years, the United Nations Security Council has adopted resolutions, but relevant persons fail to implement them basing on their ignorant nature. For this reason, violation of international laws has been evident; hence, conflicts worsening (Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly, 2005). ... Therefore, people do not believe that the UN can bring them peace. Craving for power According to Karen (2011), The UN has not achieved much as far as peace is concerned because of the craving for power. Craving for power has made the governing class in all countries to be hostile to the inadequacy of the nationwide autonomy. The powerful minorities influence the masses, and many of them already have an objective for destructions (Council of Europe: Parliamentary Assembly, 2005). This has hindered the United Nation Security Council from achieving it goal of maintaining the world order. UK and US war against Iraq According to Karen (2011), The United Nations suffered a great setback when UK and US announced war against Iraq. They declared war against Iraq claiming that it posses huge quantities of mass-destructive arms. The US defined its actions as ‘pre-emptive’ measure, but until now, no WMD existent and they US still carry out its activities in Iraq. The third world co unties are opposing the US’s actions against the Iraq, and are blaming the United Nations Security Council for failing to prevent this. Hence, this has lowered the relevance of the UN Security Council globally. The individuals who believe in the collective response to global security issues could see the difficulties that the UN underwent because of the Iraq war. This is because the war made the confidence in the multilateral system to be undermined. Disagreements in reformation According to Knight (2001), the UN General Assembly has been debating for many years regarding the council reformation but has never reached an agreement. The G4 proposed to be the permanent members of the Security Council. Their permanent membership would augment the Council members. This proposal was opposed by

The souls of Black Folk by Du Bois Essay Example for Free

The souls of Black Folk by Du Bois Essay The souls of Black Folk by Du Bois Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The souls of Black Folk by Du Bois is a primary source which is valuable and speaks to both the plight of the black Americans subsequent to the civil war and also to the identity of the entire nation. Writing during the early years of twentieth century, Du bois viewed the plight of the African Americans in USA from both a scholarly and personal perspective. He identified himself as a â€Å"problem,’’ because the white Americans perceived him in such a way and not as a result of personally perceiving himself as such. During his childhood Du bois faced racial discrimination which together with other similar experiences which were shared by the other African Americans resulted to what Du bois referred to as â€Å"double consciousness, this notion of always perceiving at one’s self through eyes of others.† Through his speaking, political activism and writings he devoted his life to spearhead the black movement to higher levels. He also practiced what he usually preached. Du bois perceived assimilation to be the most ideal way of treating the discrimination against the blacks. Du bois also worked towards ensuring that blacks achieved the goals of education and also peaceful resolutions among the races and classes (Bois et al, 1997, p.2-14).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his book Du bois The souls of Black Folk advocated for the end of the discrimination of the Negroes on basis of their color and requested for the equal rights and opportunities for all the people and especially Negroes in America. In his opening chapter in his book he affirms the vital goal of American Negro: â€Å"He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and split upon by his fellows, without having the doors of opportunity closed roughly in his face† (Bois et al, 1997, p.3). Despite the fact that this does not seems to be a reasonable request, Du bois distinguishes the hindrances which makes it difficult for this possibility to become a reality. Du bois distinguished color-line as the problem of twentieth century. Du bois impacted the society also through encouraging the blacks to be proud of their achievements. In his efforts also encouraged the black Americans to fight for their rights and in this regard he was able to unite the black Americans. In the modern society Du bois efforts have an impact since people have become aware of their rights therefore they are able to fight for them whenever they are denied those rights. Also people have embraced education. The movement spearheaded by Du bois has instilled pride in black Americans today. True awareness which Du bois and other blacks of that time developed too late also even today impacts people (Bois et al, 1997, p.2-5). References Bois, W. E. B., David W. Blight, and Robert Williams. The souls of Black folk. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997. Print. Source document

Monday, October 14, 2019

London Street Photography Exhibition Photography Essay

London Street Photography Exhibition Photography Essay This exhibition shows images of London streets taken between 1960 and 2010, some of them come from the museum archives and was not exhibited before at such a scale. Exhibition takes place in a couple of rooms in the lower level. The main exhibition space takes two rooms to the side showing films about street photography. The images are displayed in chronological order around the room, as we go feather faded sepia images stands out to our eyes as we go along they loosing they grainy quality, the moving objects becoming less blurry and they change to black and white photographs. As we progress to the end of exhibition photographs transform into colour images. An introduction show us a short film which include a interview with Paul Trevor who took photographs of the East End between 1970s and 1980s that were a high points of the exhibition. Over 60 photographers shown their work starting with Valentine Blanchards who were born in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire in 1831.His photograph taken in 1860 of Covent Garden Market where man in a hat is caught looking at vegetables while behind him world continues in its busy way. Looking at this image is giving you a feeling of turning back in time, stopping for a while and think about yourself and all those years that passed. Really calming effect I would say. There were images of Terry Spencer who shot skinheads frowning at hippies in Piccadilly Circus. Another image of couple walking down the street in anticipation, it is beautiful proof that out there somewhere it always be a moment to be caught .For example when child looks up and smiles or a person sitting alone on the bench in the park. This British capital, wrote Henry James, is the particular spot in the world which communicates the greatest sense of life; there is nothing one cant study at first hand. Roger Mayne sought to record a way of life in North Kensington before it was redeveloped in 1960s. His images often looked at the use of the streets as social space. The photograph that caught my eye is the image of two men walking down the Latimer Road caring shopping and just drifted away with their minds completely not aware of the photographer. I like that the image is in greyscale which makes it stand out more because you get that feeling of time and how the viewer perceiving the convening message. The framing and the location show us that Roger Mayne dedicated himself to describe life on London working class people and streets. Other photograph of Tom taken in Trafalgar Square in 1970 involved simplification of black and white and freezing the moment in time. Other of his picture included in exhibition is picture of children playing cricket in Notting Hill. As Roger Mayne said himself I went to South London and I saw, in the distance, a bombed building with a lot of children pl aying in it, so I thought that might be an interesting subject. So I walked towards this building and when the children saw somebody with a camera they immediately stopped this fascinating thing, whatever they were doing which intrigued me, so they all came out and wanted their photograph. You used to get this cry, please take my photo Mister. As you move around the place you witness capital developing and changing across a century. Some of the locations appears a couple of times and as you follow you can see that they are becoming more and more as they are today. Different elements pops up, the number of non white faces increase, style of clothes becoming more similar to what we are wearing today and we notice that British culture is influenced more and more by brands and trends from United States. Really interesting for me were the images of racial tensions in 1970s but the photograph of white woman kissing a black man, photograph by Charlie Phillips, seems to improve the relations between immigrants and Londoners. I noticed that photography drastically changed across the exhibition. Since the innovations in technology cameras were getting smaller and exposure faster we could notice how the photographers approach changed relating to the subject. Furthermore the subject matter also changed specially in the war period as artists changed their focus from capturing streets to highlighting the London inequalities. After that noticeably compositions approached changed due to emigrating people from Europe who brought new modernist style with them. That style moved back and forward since 1960s and which quickly were displaced. What amazed me the most were the techniques used to produce the image. The street photographer often needs to get his shoots quickly and secretly that push him to compromise in technique. We can find photographers that do this, by intentionally heighten contrast and grain, emphasizing the grittiness of that street which in my opinion did not look amusing at all. However in whole exhibition you could find beautiful pieces in deed. For example George Reids photographs shot with plate glass camera showing an amazing control of depth of field and exposure with carefully planned and examined shoot of the scene. Moving into colour which is delayed and does not become obvious after us past 1980s because people belief that greyscale images are more successful for documentary storytelling as a medium. The image taken by Bob Tapper called Two children looking out of a window in Fieldgate Mansions ;1986 draw my attention straight away because of that children they looked like they are prisoners of their own house. For a while I felt sad but then I realised that they are actually happy. I do like framing in this image and how photographer emphasizes his point of view standing up and taking picture from that level. Also the writing on the wall matches the subject matter as we do not know if they having a mum or they are orphans. The fact that window is just on the footpath level makes it more abstract how the kids looking out of a window. Further I found interesting photograph of Stephen McLaren called Dog, Big Ben taken in April 2007 .It is a shoot of a dog jumping in the air and captured next to Big Ben on beautiful cloudless sky .What makes the dog look really big almost the size of the Big Ben is the way how it was captured pushed me to think how much you could do when you actually looking around. Also how important is approaching your subject in a way how you want to display your work to the viewer. The last photograph that I will talk about that grabbed my attention was the image by Marco Fiori Metro London Street Photography winner, 2011.The image shows interesting contrast of red and black and it captured the spontaneity of a perfect moment. Overall the exhibition show how London changed around its residents to become a city as we see it today. The down side of the whole experience was queuing for an hour and allot of people shuffling around the small room briefly looking at a succession of the prints which we re A4 size or smaller. Also a short description was hanged almost at the ankle level what was real struggle to read. To summarise the exhibition provides the facts that street photography is no longer alive but its shows that is still relevant in todays world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Adult Education for Social Change :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers

Adult Education for Social Change Popular education is a form of adult education that encourages learners to examine their lives critically and take action to change social conditions. It is "popular" in the sense of being "of the people." Popular education emerged in Latin America in the 1960s-1970s; Paulo Freire is its best known exponent. However, its roots may be found in the French Revolution, in workers' education of the 1920s-1930s, and in such movements as the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee (Beder 1996; Jeria 1990). The goal of popular education is to develop "people's capacity for social change through a collective problem-solving approach emphasizing participation, reflection, and critical analysis of social problems" (Bates 1996. pp. 225-226). Key characteristics of popular education are as follows: everyone teaches and learns, so leadership is shared; starting with learners' experiences and concerns; high participation; creation of new knowledge; critical reflection; connecting the local to the globa l; and collective action for change (Arnold et al. 1985; Mackenzie 1993). This digest describes popular education methods, addresses challenges, and offers some insights for adult educators. The Popular Education Process Because it is strongly community based, popular education takes a wide variety of forms. However, the process usually follows a pattern or cycle described as action/reflection/action (Arnold and Burke 1983) or practice/theory/practice (Mackenzie 1993). Beginning with people's experience, the community initiates problem identification; then they reflect on and analyze the problem, broadening it from local to global in order to develop theory; next, participants plan and carry out action for change. Adult educators can facilitate the process by serving as democratic collaborators who ensure that learning takes place and leadership and self-direction develop in the group (Arnold and Burke 1983). Facilitators keep the group on track and encourage participation, but they should also try to foster a longer-term perspective on the problems addressed, helping the group place the issues in social, historical, and political context (Bates 1996). One important aspect of popular education is the way it often draws on popular culture, using drama, song, dance, poetry, puppetry, mime, art, storytelling, and other forms. Proulx (1993) distinguishes "popular culture" from cultural institutions often perceived as elitist and from instruments of mass culture such as the media, identifying popular cultural forms as those in which "working class adults recognize their life and their values" (p. 39). The use of these forms can enhance communication among audiences with

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Suitors and Courtship in the Lower Middle Class in Victorian Times Essa

Eligible Bachelors: Suitors and Courtship in the Lower Middle Class Trying for social advancement, single men and women of the lower middle and upper working classes sought to assume the Victorian middle class rituals of courtship and engagement. Accordingly, this aim joined with the poor finances key to these classes to lead to the complicated struggle of the bachelor. A Suitable Suitor To be considered an appropriate suitor to a lower middle class woman, a man of similar station must address and fulfill several conditions. The importance of class, wealth, and status surfaced in that the â€Å"main requirement for a man was that he be a good provider† (Frost 82). Before attempting an engagement, a man â€Å"had to wait to inherit land or money with which to start a farm or small business† (Frost 62). Economically strained, couples â€Å"had to save carefully before setting up a household;† thus, the engagement period greatly exceeded the courting phase by two to eight more years among the lower middle class (Frost 62). Other factors, such as age, religious beliefs, and compatible temperamen...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Natural Threats To Coral Reef Environmental Sciences Essay

Coral Reef, coastal and pelagic ecosystem renowned for its beautiful life signifiers and for supplying one of the most biologically diverse home grounds on Earth. A reef is a ridge or outcrop of stone in the sea that comes near to the surface. A coral reef is a reef that has been built mostly or wholly by corals, bantam animate beings that live together in settlements. Over 100s or 1000s of old ages the limestone skeletons of coral physique up, with new corals turning on the skeletons of the dead 1s. This physical construction, with its populating surface of corals and other beings, is a coral reef. The corals that build reefs are found merely in warm tropical Waterss where sea temperatures seldom fall below 18 & A ; deg ; C ( 64 & A ; deg ; F ) . They thrive merely in clear seawater where bright sunshine can perforate. This is because corals can non be without the symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae that live in coral tissues and necessitate sunshine for photosynthesis. Many reefs are found around islands, or rather far from land at the border of Continental shelves. Some of the most extended countries of coral reefs are found in the Pacific Ocean, around the islands of Southeast Asia and off the seashore of Australia. Large countries of coral reef are besides found in the Indian Ocean and around the Red Sea and Arabian Sea. Many coral reefs besides exist in the Caribbean Sea. Because their skeletons are made of limestone, corals leave clear and abundant dodos. Some of the earliest signifiers of life-mound- or pillar-shaped fossilised stones known as stromatolites-resemble corals. The oldest stromatolites day of the month back 3.5 billion old ages. They were laid down by some of the simplest beings on Earth-blue-green algae ( besides known as blue-green algae ) . About 560 million old ages ago, limestone reefs built by bacteriums, algae, and sponges foremost appeared. The first complex corals, known as tabulate corals, are recorded at approximately 500 million old ages ago. The corals we know today foremost appeared about 220 million old ages ago, before the age of the dinosaurs. The first true coral reefs began to look about 205 million to 210 million old ages ago. Since this clip there have been several periods of major reef-building, but besides periods when corals declined and did non construct reefs. In all, shallow coral reefs occupy merely about 284,000 sq kilometer ( 110,000 sq myocardial infarction ) , or less than tenth part of 1 per centum ( 0.1 per centum ) of the universe ‘s oceans. Yet in this bantam country, coral reefs house a one-fourth of all marine fish species. Reefs are extremely productive resources for human existences. Hundreds of 1000000s of people live within easy range of coral reefs and trust on them to supply nutrient. Coral reefs besides help protect human colonies from big moving ridges during storms. Types of coral reef: Scientists have identified many types of coral reefs. They are known as spot reefs, fringing reefs, barrier reefs, bank reefs, and atolls. Patch reefs occur along a Continental shelf where mound-shaped knolls on the sea floor are near plenty to the surface to let corals to settle and turn. Fringing reefs occur along a bouldery coastline where corals or coral remains extend outward from the shore and organize an outmost line or ridge that runs parallel to the shore. After many centuries, the reef may turn up to the sea surface. As Marine animals, the corals can non turn above the surface. An unusual type of reef is the coral atoll. This is a big, shallow bank, with a depression in the center, typically annular. The British naturalist Charles Darwin right theorized how coral atolls are formed. Coral atolls get down as fringing reefs about active Oceanic vents. When the volcanic eruptions cease, an island remains. Over long geological periods the island begins to drop. The fringing reef continues to turn as the island sinks. Soon what was a fringing reef around the shore becomes a barrier reef separated from the shriveling island by a deeper laguna. After 1000s of old ages, the volcanic island sinks wholly below sea degree, but the corals continue to turn, organizing a round coral reef, an atoll. Conditionss for coral growing: Corals in general are found in all seas and oceans, even in deep oceans and cold Waterss. Reef-building corals, by contrast, require quite specific conditions in order to boom. None are found in countries where the H2O temperature drops much below 18 & A ; deg ; C ( 64 & A ; deg ; F ) for more than a few yearss. Likewise, although some species in the Arabian Sea on a regular basis encounter temperatures of 36 & A ; deg ; C ( 96.8 & A ; deg ; F ) , more usually corals are adapted to boom in a much smaller temperature scope. Apart from temperature, corals besides require clear Waterss. This is partially because they need sunlight to back up the algae that live within their tissues. They are besides really sensitive to atoms of clay or deposit subsiding on them, which means that corals seldom grow close to rivers or other beginnings of deposit. Menaces to Coral Reef: Natural Threats to Coral Reef: Reefs have ever been capable to natural menaces. Storms and hurricanes on a regular basis sweep across some tropical countries, conveying monolithic moving ridges capable of nailing corals even at deepnesss of 10 m ( 33 foot ) or more. Heavy rainfall can besides harm corals by conveying fresh H2O and deposits onto the reefs. Certain animals eat coral. This is normally a natural procedure on a coral reef, but one animal, the crown-of-thorns sea star, sometimes reaches plague proportions and can destruct all living coral on a reef in a few hebdomads. These pestilences may be natural, and reefs can surely retrieve. However, many scientists believe that overfishing of the natural marauders of these starfish may be declining the job. Starfish populations may besides be turning because they benefit from increased fresh H2O and deposits. Human Threats to Coral Reefs: The great majority of human menaces to coral reefs falls into four classs: pollution, deposit, overfishing, and planetary heating. Corals are susceptible to assorted signifiers of pollution, but likely the most common is merely the flow of foods from untreated sewerage and from agricultural land, particularly where there is heavy usage of pesticides or fertiliser. These foods cause big additions in algae, both in the plankton and in algae turning on the seafloor, which so smother the corals or barricade out the visible radiation. The sum of deposits making the sea has increased quickly over the past hundred old ages or more. This can be linked to the loss of woods and the development of new agricultural techniques that lay the land unfastened to rain and eroding. The deposits are swept into the oceans through rivers and watercourses and, like the algae, can surround and kill the coral. Fishing has been traveling on around coral reefs for 1000s of old ages. Problems arise when excessively many people try to catch fish from the reefs, or when, frequently out of despair, they turn to destructive steps to capture fish. The rapid growing of human populations, combined with the development of progressively efficient angling methods, means that reefs in many countries are overfished. The reefs have fewer and smaller fish than in the yesteryear, a catastrophe both for the reef ecosystem and for the fishers. In a few topographic points, notably in Southeast Asia, some fishers use explosives to capture fish. These explosives kill all fish within a certain country, every bit good as destructing the corals nearby. It takes many old ages for these damaged countries to retrieve. Coral Reef Protection: Despite these menaces, coral reefs can be protected. The consequences of this protection are good for people every bit good as for the reefs. In topographic points where there is chronic overfishing, better, more sustainable direction patterns can increase the entire fish Numberss, leting for more fish to reproduce and raising the gimmicks of the fishers. Sewage intervention and better direction of land countries can assist cut down pollution and deposit, leting reefs to retrieve from degraded provinces. The most of import tools for coral reef preservation are instruction and the constitution of protected countries. Closing off even comparatively little countries of coral reefs to fishing can hold dramatic consequences. Large Numberss of fish build up in these countries and spill over to the environing reefs, where fishers may catch them. These same countries become valuable finishs for tourers as they offer chances to see the reefs. They are besides likely to be of import countries to back up the recovery of reefs when there is devastation of reef countries through natural impacts or coral bleaching. As of 2005 more than 660 coral reefs were being protected, including two of the universe ‘s largest protected areas-the Great Barrier Reef off Australia and the coral reefs of the northwest Hawaiian Islands. The 660 protected reefs represent about 19 per centum of the universe ‘s coral reefs. Some reefs appear to be more resilient to coral decoloring than others. The protection of these reefs from other harmful human impacts will be critical, non merely for their ain endurance, but besides because these same reefs may supply new corals to repopulate damaged reefs. But in the long tally, denominating coral reefs as protected zones will non save any reefs from the planetary effects of clime alteration. Merely drastic decreases in nursery gas emanations, peculiarly C dioxide emanations, can protect coral reefs from the dangers of planetary heating.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Job Description of A Budgeting Manager

One of the most important functions that budgeting accounts for is the planning function1. We will be arguing for the importance of the planning function in the overall budgeting activity and will be arguing for the many ways the budgeting planning function is coordinating with the company's strategic planning. First of all, the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to the planning activities that the company, starting with the financial department, needs to (1) determine what the company's long-term strategy is, (2) determine what projects bring most added value to the company and (3) determine what priority these projects should have. Let's refer to each of these steps in part and determine how they impact the budgeting strategy of a company. The long-term strategy for a company is essential in determining the overall objective of a company. For the long run, this may be increasing the volume of sales or increasing the market share or promoting the company's image. In any case, these differ in terms of the projects they will imply and the ways they will be affecting the budgeting strategy. For example, increasing sales will perhaps only include increasing spending on advertising and the promotion budget, while promoting the company's image may include costly promotion campaigns that will have a significant impact on the company's budgeting management. The second issue is a project portfolio management issue. The economic theory tells us that the resources are always limited, while the needs are not. Applied in this particular case, this means that we are always likely to have a greater number of projects we will wish to perform than the financial resources the company will have at a certain point. This is where the selection issue, corroborated with the budgeting strategy comes in the game. The top management, working with the financial department, will need to establish which are the projects that bring highest added-value to the company and spend the company's budget on those alone. The selection phase can only come hand in hand with a proper planning of the budgeting activity. On one hand, we have the projects the company wishes to perform, on the other, we have the budgeting restrictions. In terms of budgeting planning, the company and the top management needs to ensure that projects deriving from the current selection will also have sources of financing. An example will properly elucidate this perspective. We will simply take a software project. In the beginning, the primordial activities refer to selecting the working team and creating a project on which work will be done (following the customer's requirements). On the other hand, while the initial part of the project is strictly related to the programming stage, one mustn't ignore the fact that, after the project is completed, a tester also needs to be hired in order to test the project's performances. This means that the initial budgeting scheme will need to be created so as to include several other subsequent factors, factors that are likely to appear at a certain time in the future. Finally, the third phase of the selection phase, correlated with the budgeting procedures, involves deciding on the projects' priority. This is basically an issue of deciding which of the projects bring added value to the company and to the company's activities. This means that planning your budgeting policy also needs to consider the future plans in the company. If the company will want to develop different areas into the future, then the budgeting campaign needs to be designed so as to cover any future needs of the company. This is practically what the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to. The argumentation we have previously presented practically comes forth so as to demonstrate the close connection existing between budgeting and budget planning and the company's overall planning strategies. Indeed, the budgeting policies serve to help the company fulfill its long-term plans and projects, as well as short-termed ones. In this sense, the company planning strategy needs to be fully correlated with the budgeting planning, otherwise there will be no financial support for those plans. Among the management functions we already know about we can also include the budgeting function because, in my opinion, all the others cannot properly function without it. You cannot have a successful planning or organizing within a company without correlating these with the budgeting function, in order to obtain the realistic backup of any project. Budgeting and planning go, in this sense, hand in hand, and you cannot really have one without the other in the company.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Australian Foreign Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Australian Foreign Policy - Essay Example It is argued, however that the media is too influential on public opinion; and it is the proprietors of the industry making all of the What role does Public opinion and media play in the making foreign policy in Australia is the central research question of this paper. It is in relation to this debate that it becomes crucial to analyse the critical political economy of the news media. The critical political economy is the power and influence exerted by media owners, government and culture for the forming of country's foreign policies.The content and information presented in this paper is based on research and survey conducted by leading agencies to study the media and public opinion influence of foreign policy decision making in Australia. The media is an extremely influential factor in society. Is the media a political institution, in that it decides who gets what, when and how through formal organizations and procedures Or is it a business The radical theory suggests that 'the media generates content that garners the greatest profit'1 (Ranganathan, 2002) The liberal theory of the media suggests that it is not just what interests the public, but what is in the best interest of the public. News is the reporting of facts, or news otherwise not known. ... 'The Australian Broadcasting Commission felt that in those days to use pictures, was to descend to the levels of the popular press.'(Mason & Lean, 1992:42) Today, on the other hand, findings from various surveys conclude that television is the most popular news source and the one in which the majority of the public lay their trust.A survey conducted on 60 Australia all- party political decision makers from both Federal and State Governments showed the great influence that mass media and public opinion exert on foreign policy decision making in Australia. The survey can be summarized as follows2: Media + Community= Highest Influence on Government The findings reveal that Australian politicians are most influenced by the public opinion and media. Use of local newspaper and politician's local community is known to be considered as two main critical points to influence their decision-making. Timely data + Active public engagement= Effective tool for influencing on Government. Provision of timely & accurate market and direct, active public engagement are considered as most effective and powerful communication tools for making a point to government. The role of media is reporting of facts, events or news otherwise not known. . Originally, news was broadcasted on radio, always with one white, male presenter reading the entire bulletin. 'The use of pictures in those days was considered as descending the levels of the very much popular press. .Today, on the other hand, findings from various surveys conclude that television is the most popular news source and the one in which the majority of the public lay their trust. In terms of television media as a whole, it is

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Marketing - Case Study Example Due to this, the company has recorded a decreased quality in service delivery. Moreover Don Martin Ltd. requires solving issues related to change. The company has expanded significantly and its operations have grown. It is therefore necessary to ensure that there are changes in management which are aimed at managing the changes that the company is facing which are related to growth (Grasby 381). The problems of the company and their implications are analyzed in the following tables in relation to the various segments of the market for the company’s products. ... sports center and garages Shopping for goods and their delivery varies among the various age groups of the consumers Why The prices are higher because of the customer service delivery The needs of the consumers are motivated by the amount that they pay for them The shopping and delivery of goods depends on the kind of consumer and hence the variation The variation in shopping and needs for delivery services depends on the preferences of the various age groups among the consumers How Customers prefer to do their own shopping so that they would save on the costs associated with service delivery The user needs can be achieved through quality of good and service delivery in addition to reasonable prices The shopping and delivery of goods is defined by the ability of the consumers to pay for the services and their preferences The variation in purchase and delivery is determined by how the consumers of different ages want their shopping experience to be Implications Price Usage Needs Demog raphics Age Who The implication of price competition id reflected by the inability of the company to maintain its loyal customers Delivery of user needs will define the ability of the company to achieve business success Every consumer needs different goods and services and therefore the company must make these available The preferences of the various age groups must be met by the company for success What The goods and services of the company have varied prices. The needs of the user means that the management and employees are obliged to ensure that these needs are met The implications of the divergent demographics are expressed by the ability of the company to meet diverse needs of the consumers The needs of different age group have to be met by the company otherwise the customers may be

Monday, October 7, 2019

Strategic management in the tourism industry Essay

Strategic management in the tourism industry - Essay Example However other airports in London like Heathrow and Gatwick which have a much wider passenger base have much more advanced communication systems built by the likes of Siemens. (Businesswire, 2001). Another strength that is available to Luton over all other airports is its geographic location. It is situated in London which is not only the centre for business in the UK, but also one of the major tourist attractions that is offered by the European Union. People who are either on vacations or on business tend to visit London throughout the year. Therefore the number of passengers arriving in London based airports is fixed and sees a constant gradual increase every other year. But considering in London, there are four other airports, Luton strives to compete with the traffic generated throughout London (Greater and the City). Each of these airports caters to a different market and a different geographic segment thus each airport remains competitive and unique. The airport boasts of having a spacious parking lot where passengers can leave their automobiles over short or long periods of time. The valet parking system frees the owners of having to find their own parking space and provides the assurance of security to the owners who can have peace of mind while they are on their trip. In comparison, Heathrow and Gatwick which caters to a much higher number of passengers and parking area is unable to accommodate passengers who want to leave their cars in walking distance from the airport. (Luton-Airport, 2008) Another major strength of Luton airport which can be noted is the number of destinations which Luton airport passengers get to go to. Luton airport forwards passengers to 85 destinations worldwide. Being the 5th largest airport in UK, its passenger base has been increasing by 5% for a few years now. Compared to Gatwick's growth by 2.5% and Stansted's growth by 10%, one can say that Luton's growth has been average yet steady. Weaknesses of Luton Airport Due to the fore mentioned strengths, Luton has a large passenger turnover rate. Thus more passengers equate to more luggage and baggage being brought into and sent out of the airport. The sheer amount of baggage being transferred results in quite a few cases of lost baggage over time. Luton does not yet have sufficient resources to fully manage the problem of the handling of luggage and is facing problems in this regard. But even with the best technology and hi-fi RFID systems implemented by Heathrow airport to track the luggage, the first day at the opening of the new Terminal 5 saw a great deal of problems. In

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Leadership and Cross Culture Management Article - 1

Leadership and Cross Culture Management - Article Example They developed several qualities of leadership to cope up with the changing working environment of foreign countries (Regent University, 2011). Honda, the largest Japanese based manufacturers of two-wheelers has been a successful name in the global automobile industry. Due to their leadership ability, they are so successful across the globe. The subsidiary of Honda Motor in India is named Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI). It came to India in 1999. They believe in teamwork and excellent leadership aspects are the reasons for their success. Though they are globally successful for their products and services but the management of HMSI is not at all concerned regarding the workers and other employees of the organization. They are found to be illtreating and misbehaving with the workers. They are continuously harassing and embarrassing many of the working personnel in the organization. Towards the female employees, their behavior is not healthy. A few female employees left their jobs due to intolerable behavior from the Vice President of the company. HMSI managers are using negative leadership qualities just to embarrass the employees instead motivating and influencing them in their work (Labour File, n.d.). The higher managerial personnel of HMSI should develop the qualitative behavior and good etiquette while treating both male and female workers. This will help them to be a leader in the global environment. All kinds of interpersonal, informational and decisional roles can be developed by the managers of HMSI to motivate and influence the employees and workers of the organization. As a leader, they can create the good working relationship with the people because human resources are the assets of the organization. The leadership qualities should be utilized for the superior purpose of the employees rather destroy it.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Explanation of Berkeley's Critique of the Lockean Notion of Substratum Essay

Explanation of Berkeley's Critique of the Lockean Notion of Substratum - Essay Example their molecular configuration or structure. Observing thus the mind was naturally led to the conception of a material substratum as something which 'underlay' and 'supported' the sensory qualities which were now perceived and known: 'the supposed, but unknown support of those qualities one found existing, which one could not imagined to exist sine re substante' ( Locke, Essay).Thus Locke agreed to the view that material substances were the ontological correlates of logical subjects - they are the things which possess qualities, such as space, shape and motion. On the other hand Locke himself had agreed that if an attempt was made to abstract from our ideas of these qualities, one was left with only an indeterminate notion of a substratum. Yet Locke insisted that this substratum alone unified and integrated the qualities instantiated in it. Moreover, he also held that the 'real essences' of objects, incapable of being comprehended by the human mind, determine the structure of all comp lexes of qualities and are 'situated' in the indeterminate substratum. They could only be understood by a being with adequate, superhuman faculties. Lockean view held that normal humans comprehend things as they systematically appear to them, conditioned by their perceptions; things as they actually are intrinsically lie beyond the confines of normal human intellect.Berkeley thought Lockean viewpoint offered much scope for skepticism. He understood clearly that once the real goes beyond the reach of all possible experience then skepticism began. The concept of material substance precisely left one skeptic. Berkeley instead put forward a metaphysical analysis of what it meant to state that a physical object existed. This analysis was an alternative Locke's skeptic concept of the 'material substratum'. Berkeley's theory also doubled up as a neo-phenomenalist reduction of physical objects into complexes of ideas, which Berkeley believed ran along side the common sense perception of the nature of the physical world. Berkeley took an anti-skeptical stance that the real world is directly encountered in perception, and that our knowledge of this world is direct and non-inferential. However if what one perceives directly is the real and objective world, and we immediately perceive only our own ideas, then it follows logically that our ideas are constitutive of reality, and are not, as was Lockean stance, merely representative of reality. It is important to see that both Locke and Berkeley believed that our entire conceptual framework was derived entirely from experience, however Berkeley argued if Lockean material substance is indeterminate and metaphenomenal, then there can be no concept of material substance, and the assertion that such a substance or substratum exists becomes, empirically meaningless.Berkely further argued that objective world of physical objects is very real. Physical objects cannot be analyzed in Lockean terms as complexes of qualities 'supported by' an underlying substratum they are rather composites of the simple ideas acquired in their perception. In short, for